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Little Norway on the Fjord (in Washington)

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for August 25.  We hope all of our subscribers in the Northeast made it through Tropical Storm Henri with a minimum of damage and destruction. Here in Connecticut the storm missed us to the east, so there was just a lot of rain and wind, with no serious effects.

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Norwegian Town - Poulsbo, Washington

In a valley between the Olympic and Cascade Mountain ranges, Poulsbo is an authentic Norwegian community settled in the 1800’s by immigrants who saw similarities to their native countries. Today it continues to celebrate that heritage. More>>

10 Most Fun Places to Retire

Retirement is supposed to be a fun experience, a well-earned reward after spending all those years working and raising a family. So here is our list of the 10 most fun places to retire, based on a number of criteria. We hope you can add some more places to the list.   More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Are You a Grandcarent?

Over 2 million baby boomers are raising their grandchildren, and it is not that easy. There are financial pressures, and finding a suitable place to live is a huge challenge too. If you or someone you know is in that situation, here are some sources of help. More >>


Our Town - Petersborough, NH

Thorton Wilder's immensely popular play, Our Town, was supposedly set in Petersborough. This beautiful and pastoral town set along hills in the mountains of New Hampshire was also the setting for a memborable episode from The SopranosMore>>

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